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St Wulstan's & St Edmund's Catholic Academy

“As God’s children, we touch the lives of others through our thoughts, words and actions.”

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STEM Challenge - The Future of the Fylde Coast

Well done to everyone for their fantastic contributions to our STEM learning week!

(STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.)

We have been looking at the future of the Fylde coast and exploring: alternative, more sustainable ways to travel around and power the area in the future, as well as how we can prevent flooding of the Fylde coast. The children had some fantastic ideas! Congratulations to our class winners who are:

Reception – Elliott
Y1/2 D – Autumn and Minnie
Y1/2 P – Abel
Y3 – Ellis, Scarlet and Kian
Y4 – Hughie, Reuben, Sienna and Isaac 
Y5 – Alice, Ola and James
Y5/6 – Emily, Amelia, Millie and Harrison
Y6 – Olivia, Sophia, Emily and Harriet

Our overall school winners (who will go on to represent us at a STEM event in Blackpool) are Emily L, Amelia G, Millie S, Harrison, Hughie, Reuben, Sienna and Isaac C.
