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St Wulstan's & St Edmund's Catholic Academy

“As God’s children, we touch the lives of others through our thoughts, words and actions.”

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Eco Warriers

Environmental Issues

Our Eco Warriors


As caretakers of God's world and all of His creations, we teach our children to respect and look after the world around them, encouraging them to support local, national and global environment initiatives. 


We are committed to Raising ecological awareness in our children through a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes appropriate educational visits e.g. Knowsley Safari Park, Blackpool Zoo and Stanah Country Park.  

During the last few years we achieved the Bronze Eco Flag through identifying lots of ways to become more environmentally friendly in school. We have:

  • an Eco-committee club, which leads our environmental work in school.
  • an eco display board to keep our children informed of eco committee projects and to share environmentally friendly advice.
  • held 'Eco Days' where the whole school has taken part in eco activities, e.g. dressing up in clothes made of recycled materials.
  • built an eco garden, containing a pond, children's work station and 6 large bedding boxes - resources and labour kindly donated by TESCO, Falcon Construction and a group of dedicated parents and grandparents.
  • collected Morrison's 'Let's Grow' vouchers for the last three years and redeemed them for lots of gardening equipment.
  • recycled as many different types of rubbish as we can (see 'Recycling in School').
  • grown vegetables in our eco garden, which have been served to the children in their school lunches in the Summer term.
  • Joined the Cardinal Allen 'Eco Schools' Project on Saving Energy' to reduce the amount of electricity and water being used in school, e.g. each classroom has an appointed light monitor to ensure lights and electrical equipment are switched off when rooms are not in use.