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St Wulstan's & St Edmund's Catholic Academy

“As God’s children, we touch the lives of others through our thoughts, words and actions.”

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OFSTED Monitoring Visit May 2021

After the monitoring visit the HMI Inspectors reported that:

Leaders and those responsible for governance are taking effective action in order for the school to become a good school.

They acknowledged the work we have undertaken to improve reading outcomes and to develop the role of the Subject Leaders.

Please see the link below to read the full report.

OFSTED Interim Inspection January 2021

Inspectors reported that Leaders and those responsible for governance are taking effective action to provide education in the current circumstances.

They acknowledged the hard work that leaders and staff had undertaken developing school improvement despite the pandemic.  In addition, they praised the work that was being done to provide remote education for the children at this time.

Please click on the link below to read the full letter.

OFSTED February 2020


We have received our latest OFSTED report which I am happy to share with you.  Despite our overall grade remaining ‘Requires Improvement’ the report is overwhelmingly positive with the inspectors recognising the many improvements that have been made since our last inspection.  Indeed, they gave us three ‘Good’ grades out of five.


They acknowledged that the school is now in a more stable position; they could not overlook previous poor outcomes for children but recognised that staff are working hard to ‘reverse the trend’ and that children in our Early Years are given a good  start and are ‘developing their skills across different areas of learning’.


Especially pleasing was the fact that ‘evidence of rapid improvement’ in the teaching of early reading was identified.  Also that ‘teachers make learning fun’ and that ‘staff create memorable experiences for pupils’.


Behaviour is praised throughout the report ‘Pupils are polite. They behave well in lessons, so everyone can learn.’  In addition, inspectors recognised that school provides well for children with additional needs and provide ‘intense support in building their resilience for learning.’


The impact of the new headteacher was acknowledged and it was recognised that the school governors ‘know the school well’.


School leaders will of course continue to work on areas identified in the report; recent improvements need to be fully embedded into school life in order to have the desired impact on outcomes for children.  We will continue to further develop our new curriculum and extend the roles of the subjects leaders within that, however, we feel that we have an excellent foundation to build on as we continue on our journey.

Osted Report

All schools are inspected under the Ofsted Framework and currently our school is rated as 'Requiring Improvement'; we know the areas on which we need to improve and have put robust plans in place for rapid improvement.

Learners, give your views to OfSTED by clicking the Learner View link



Access our most recent OfSTED report



Parents, give your views to OfSTED by clicking the Parent View link



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Diocesan Section 48 Reports

As a Catholic Primary School as well as Ofsted Inspections we have Section 48 Inspections which report about how we perform as a church school. We are in the Diocese of Lancaster
