Meet The Team
The Year 5 team are as follows:
Mr Clough (Year 5)
Mr. Fletcher (HLTA PPA Cover)
If you wish to contact your class teachers, please use Class Dojo. If you are having difficulty getting on the app, please let us know and we can help you. Lots of class and school information is shared via this platform. We also use the children's portfolios for home learning.
Home learning
Home learning provides children with the opportunity to revise and consolidate the learning they have done in school. It is especially important in Years 5 because children need to revise lots of key areas from earlier in Key Stage 2 in order to prepare them for the end of KS2 SATs assessments, which take place in May of Year 6.
Developing a good home learning routine in Years 5 is absolutely key in enabling a smooth transition to High School as it helps to prepare children for the much higher volume of home learning that they will receive in Year 7.
- One maths activity will be set by your child's Maths teacher.
- Daily home reading with your child is essential and please write in their reading record; little and often is most beneficial. Daily reading really does help children develop their learning across the curriculum.
- A spelling list will be sent home at the beginning of every half term; children will be taught the spelling pattern at the start of the week and then be tested on the spellings on a Friday morning. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings ready for the weekly test.
Please ensure PE Kits are in school every day, as PE days may change due to events in school or weather. On PE days, please encourage your child to take their earrings out before school and leave them at home. Any earrings worn on PE days must be removed by the child themselves before the lesson. Classes will usually have PE on the following days:
Year 5 - Thursday and Fridays
Termly Spellings
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers are used to help make children's learning 'sticky'. They will have a copy of the Knowledge Organiser given to them at the start of a topic to stick in their books and one to take home too
Useful Websites
The children really enjoy using these websites in school to support their learning. If you need any login details please ask your child's class teacher.
This website gives children access to hundreds of books for free!