A warm welcome to our school website
On behalf of the children, governors and staff, I am pleased to welcome you to Saint Wulstan's and Saint Edmund's Catholic Academy.
We are a part of the Blessed Edward Bamber Multi Academy Trust and serve the local community of Fleetwood and it's surrounding areas. We offer primary education to children aged 3 - 11 years.
I am honoured to be part of this amazing school community - the children, staff and parents are amazing.
If you would like to visit us, see our school in action or ask any questions please contact me using the details below, or if you would like to just drop in for a visit, please do so.
Miss Samantha Solloway, Headteacher - Email; head@st-wulstans.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Linda Vuti, School Business Manager - Email; enquiries@st-wulstans.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Maria Doherty, Chair of Governors - Email; m.doherty@st-wulstans.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Carly Cook, SENDCo - Email; c.cook@st-wulstans.lancs.sch.uk
Tel; 01253 874785
If you would like to find out more about the Blessed Edward Bamber Trust, please click on the following link.