School Logo

St Wulstan's & St Edmund's Catholic Academy

“As God’s children, we touch the lives of others through our thoughts, words and actions.”

Contact Details

School Clubs

Club Sign-up

Half Termly on Arbor 



Sports Clubs this half term (Autumn 1 2024)



- PASTA with Healthy Heads (Invite only)  *Starting 16th September

- Archery (Year 5/6) *Starting 16th September



- Year 3/4/5/6 Football with FTFC 



 - Year 3/4/5/6 Dodgeball with FTFC



- Year 1/2 Invasion Games with FTFC

 - Year 5/6 Boys Football (Trial only)


All Clubs 3.15-4.15 and starting the first week back (*Unless noted as different)

St Wulstans at the Sainsburys School Games


Follow the link below to view events, blogs and pictures.






The school choir consists of children in years 3-6 and takes place on Tuesday lunch times with Mrs Breakell. 

Children will be learning a range of vocal warm ups and a compilation of traditional and modern songs along with hymns that the choir will sing in church during Mass.

There are many events that the school choir are involved in over the years and we welcome support from parent helpers to assist in these events. If you are able to help, please let the school know. 


Thank you

Mrs Breakell and Miss Ormerod
