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St Wulstan's & St Edmund's Catholic Academy

“As God’s children, we touch the lives of others through our thoughts, words and actions.”

Contact Details

Late/Absence Procedures

Lateness - Did you know?

  • 5 minutes late every day adds up to 3 days lost a year

  • 10 minutes adds up to 6 days lost

  • 15 minutes adds up to 10 days lost

  • 20 minutes adds up to 13 days lost

  • 30 minutes adds up to 19 days lost

  • Parents/carers must contact the school as soon as possible on the first day of absence and each subsequent day of absence.
  • Alternatively, parents/carers may call into school and report to the school office where arrangements will be made to speak to a member of staff.
  • A phone call/text message/email will be made to the parent/carer of any child who has not reported their absence on the first day that they do not attend school. The HT/FSW will be contacted if school cannot make contact.
  • For children at risk of falling into persistent absence, arrangements will be made for parents to speak to the Family Support Worker or Headteacher.
  • If a pupil absence drops below 90 per cent (90%), the Family Support Worker will be informed.