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St Wulstan's & St Edmund's Catholic Academy

“As God’s children, we touch the lives of others through our thoughts, words and actions.”

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Meet our Governors

Maria Doherty (Foundation Governor/Chair of Governors)

I have been a foundation governor for over seven years and became Chair of Governors in November 2020.

I am a very active member of our parish and assist with parish admin, live streaming Mass and fundraising and social events. 

I am married and have two sons who both attended this school, many years ago! I am now a proud Granny to two wonderful grandsons and am awaiting the arrival of a third! I retired as Deputy Headteacher in 2015 after working for over 35 years at this school and became a volunteer, working mostly, in the school library. I was delighted to be asked to become a foundation governor in 2017 to continue to serve the school community that I love. As a member of a very supportive governing body, I support the school in many ways, with particular involvement with SEND, HRSE/RSE, R.E and the Catholic Life of the school.

I am the nominated governor for Nursery.

My role as Chair of Governors also involves meeting regularly with the Headteacher, offering a ‘listening ear’ as needed. 

I hope to continue to support our school as we move forward from strength to strength.


Samantha Solloway(Headteacher)

I have been a headteacher for eight years and joined Saint Wulstan's and Saint Edmund's Catholic Academy on 8th April 2024. I have taught in Fleetwood and the surrounding areas for much of my career which started in 2004. Through this time I have built up a strong affinity for the people of Fleetwood and for the local Parish of Saint Wulstan's. I am excited to continue my journey with this amazing school.


Lauren Breakell(Staff Governor)

I am a former pupil of St Wulstan’s and St Edmund's and have been a teacher here for over 13 years. I have a seven year-old daughter who also attends St Wulstan’s and St Edmund’s and a one year old little boy. We are also part of St Wulstan’s parish.  During my time at St Wulstan’s and St Edmund’s I have taught in Key stage one and two, I am currently teaching in year 1 and reception Class. I am also coordinator for Religious Education, history and geography within school.  This is my second term as staff governor and I am proud to be part of the governing body. St Wulstan’s is very close to my heart so I am excited to take on a key role in our journey towards greatness! 


Emma Collins (Parent Governor)

I am a former pupil of St.Wulstan’s and St. Edmund’s and have 2 children currently attending the school. The school has always remained special to me and I love the family community feel that we have. I have 22 years experience working in further education and my current role is in buildings health and safety and compliance. I have a passion for education and love playing a small part in enabling our children to achieve their full potential.


Karen Glass (Foundation Governor / Vice Chair of Governors)
I attended Saint Wulstan’s School myself in the 1960’s and I am so grateful for the education they gave me to go forward with my life. My two children also attended the School and was always encouraged by the staff to do as well as they were able. I now have two grandchildren who are attending the school.  The staff at St Wulstan’s and St Edmund’s are fantastic and want only the best for all the children who attend the school. I have worked in social housing in the area for over 20 years and have always been active in the community to make the life of children better and fuller and also give them encouragement to go forward with their futures.


Mike Harding (Foundation Governor)

 I am a former pupil of St Wulstan’s ( many years ago) and my children attended St Edmund’s school so I have a bit of history with both of the schools that merged in 2004 to become St Wulstan’s and St Edmund’s.  I also currently have two grand-daughters attending the school plus my eldest grand-daughter who attended the school and is now a pupil at Cardinal Allen. 

So, I have a great deal of affection for the school and every incentive to ensure that it is the best that it can possibly be. I am in my third, four year term as a foundation governor. It is a privilege to be in this position and, together with my fellow governors, oversee and support the fantastic work being carried out on behalf of our children and families by Miss Solloway and her team. I’m also an active parishioner and regularly attend Mass at St Wulstan’s. I am a very keen supporter of Fleetwood Town & an armchair fan of Liverpool FC. Now retired, I was formerly a Civil Servant spending many happy years at Hesketh House before moving into the world of Information Technology. I worked for various public and private sector employers before finally taking early retirement in 2013. I then spent a further six years working for my wife in her small business – I’m sure that you can work out which employment had the most demanding boss!!.


 Deborah Parker (Foundation Governor)

I was born into the Catholic faith in Fleetwood in 1961 and enjoyed a beautiful education starting at St Mary’s and then onto Cardinal Allen RC High School. I went to university as a mature student and graduated from London City University with MSc in Charity Accounting and Financial Management. I lived in St Wulstan’s parish until I married and moved to St Teresa’s in Cleveleys. I have never really left the parish and have firm connections strengthened by shared worship.

My first opportunity to work directly with St Wulstan’s school was as a Road Safety Officer where she delivered Tufty Club in the nursery and provided Cycling Proficiency training for the juniors (many years ago!) From Road Safety I moved into the Careers Service, and have worked in this role and others supporting young people in education and seeking employment and also for the Alzheimer’s Society.  Having left full-time employment I have undertaken many volunteer roles, a non-executive director of a Social Investment company and a member representative on a Pension Board. I teach English as a foreign language for students whose education has been impacted by conflict (mainly in Syria and Ukraine) and now, am proud to hold this hugely important position as a Foundation Governor.


Faye Scott (Parent Governor)

I have been a parent governor at St Wulstan's since March 2023 and I am thoroughly enjoying my role. I have two boys who attend St Wulstan's in year two and year three. The school is  a marvellous place where the staff team are dedicated to their work, ensuring the best for all pupils.

I have fifteen years experience of working with children, both in a preschool playwork setting, and in a reception/year one class in a school. I am nominated governor for early years and science at St Wulstan's, two of my passions. I look forward to continue being part of the St Wulstan's family, helping to support the amazing work done within school for the children and their families.


 Jack Stanney (Foundation Governor)

I'm a former pupil of St Wulstan's and St Edmund's and I have two children currently attending the school. I am about to start my second term as a foundation governor and, alongside my family, I'm an active member of the parish.

My 'day job' is an engineer at an automotive manufacturing plant and I have enjoyed bringing engineering into the classroom, participating in STEM projects. I have a keen interest in swimming and alongside my coaching role at the local swimming club, I support the teaching staff in delivering school swimming lessons.


 Steve Wetherill (Co-opted Governor)

I have been a governor at St Wulstan's and St Edmund's Catholic Academy since 2018. I am the nominated governor for maths, PE and the Sports Premium.

It has been a privilege to support the school and see it develop and thrive. It has a lovely atmosphere with happy children supported by a dedicated and hard-working staff team.

I worked as a headteacher in three Lancashire primary schools for 18 years. I now work for Lancashire Governor Services as an adviser/clerk/trainer.

Originally from North Yorkshire, I have lived in Fleetwood for over 40 years. I support Fleetwood Town FC so you could say I am a member of the Cod Army!
